Calling All 3 - 6 Year Olds!
We are so excited to welcome your 3-6 year-olds to our preschool program. Have your child be inspired by vibrant colors, creativity, dancing, and so much more. The Happy Friends course catalog can be found below organized by subject.
ages 3-6
Instructor: Ashley Gonzales
Happy Feet is focused on developing your child's motor skills and creativity through fun and creative activities. In this class your child will be learning a combination of ballet and tap techniques. This class will help keep your child active, work on their flexibility, learn how to move to music, learn how to follow instructions, and help get all their extra wiggles out constructively. Throughout the Happy Feet session, there will be opportunities for parents/guardians to observe their child's progress on planned observation days.
Parents are not allowed in the classroom during class time, except on observation days.
Students will need pink ballet shoes for girls and black ballet shoes for boys and black tap shoes for all.
This course will be performing at the Fine Arts Festival.
ages 3-5
Instructor: Amy Peck
Morning: https://app.iclasspro.com/portal/questeducation/class-details/1413
Afternoon: https://app.iclasspro.com/portal/questeducation/class-details/1414
Super fun, hands-on exploration of themes throughout the year. Our time will be full of creative play, games, group activities, stories, art, science, building, and music while we develop gross and fine motor skills and make friends along the way. Students should dress to get messy as we often use paint and glue. Students must be potty trained.
Morning or Afternoon option available.
ages 4-6
Instructor: Naomi & Danielle Kugler
Students will learn to identify numbers to one hundred as well as how to add and subtract numbers to ten. We will also work on the concept of multiplication. Class is taught with games, movement, and manipulatives. Students will not be required to write. We will learn the days of the week, months of the year, and how to read a calendar. We will learn coins as well as how to read clocks.
This class meets only once a week, so if you want to see your child master the things taught in class. Practice with them daily.
Students will need a plastic shoe box with washable crayons of pens, a glue stick, a bag of 50 objects to count (buttons work well), and a set of foam numbers which includes two of each number 0-9.
Students should know how to count to ten before taking this class.
ages 4-6
Instructor: Faye Beckert
This class will be taught by a Certified ASL Instructor. It is for preschool age 4, up to age 6. The class time is designed for your little one to learn a new way of expressing themselves.
ages 4-6
Instructor: Naomi & Danielle Kugler
In this class students will learn the names and sounds of all the letters of the alphabet. We will work on blending letters together to form sounds and then words. Students will be taught how to decode words by learning the sounds different letter combinations create. This class is taught with lots of movement, manipulatives and games. Students will also learn and practice good classroom habits. No writing is required for this class.
This class only meets once a week. For students to maintain the things they have learned in class parents will need to practice them daily with their child.
Students will need a box of magnetic foam letters with a magnetic pen board included. A set of mini Abeka alphabet flashcards.
ages 3-5
Instructor: Bonnie Witt
In this class we will read several picture books each week centered around one letter of the alphabet. Along with stories, we will learn rhymes, play games, and do a letter of the week craft.
ages 4-6
Instructor: Lisa Giordano
The goal of this class is to encourage curiosity about “Why things were invented and how to create your own inventions”. This class is a combination of FUN, History and Engineering.
What students should expect: This class is a “hands-on” class, so we will study an invention and then make a project that will help us understand the invention and the inventor.
Homework and tests: This class does not have mandatory homework. Every week, I post worksheets with hyperlinked videos we watched in class. I encourage all students and parents to review the videos each week and discuss the inventions. The more you talk the more you remember. This is a history and engineering class that encourages critical thinking. If you miss a class you need to watch the videos and see me about supplies for making the projects at home.
POINTS – You will earn points from attendance, participation, and attitude.
Supplies – No books necessary. I use videos instead of books to help the students see the inventions and inventors. I will print worksheets when needed. We will need recycled items throughout the year.
Examples of some of the inventions covered in this class:
Inventions from Medieval Times (500 AD to 1400 AD)
Flushable Toilets
Magnetic Compass
Mechanical Clock
Heavy Plow
Inventions from the Renaissance (1400 AD to 1700 AD)
Ice Cream
Flushable Toilets
Renaissance Art
Renaissance Engineering
Famous Inventors:
Johannes Gutenberg (1400 - 1468)
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 – 1519)
Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662)
ages 4-6
Instructor: Lisa Giordano
The goal of this class is to encourage children to love science through experiments ranging from catapults, magnets, electricity, waterfalls, and oceans, to outer space. Edible Engineering will also be included each month and that will include making towers with marshmallows, melting candy, and experimenting with the density of different foods and drinks.
What the students should expect: The students will have a short introduction to a physic experiment or activity each week and then watch a short video about the experiment. After discussing the experiment and what they think will happen the class will participate in activities, experiments, or building.
Homework: Parents should review the videos with the students and talk about the experiments.
Grades: Attendance is very important for this class, so grades will be given for attendance. This class is categorized as an “educational class”, so I also give cumulative tests, midterms, and finals. I will be reading the questions out loud to this age group. The tests are made to be FUN with lots of praise and excitement for correct answers. Grades are not important for this age group; the priority is being able to learn to like or even to love test day and treat it like a game day.
I will be using videos instead of books. I print activity sheets for the students when needed. Every week the video links and class summaries will be posted in Schoology. I encourage everyone to watch the videos more than once to increase long-term memory.
ages 3-18
Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Thai
Please schedule individual times for coaching on science fair ideas and progress through the entire science fair process.
Coaching textbook written by Quest. It will be provided online, chapter by chapter.
ages 3-5
Instructor: Bonnie Witt
Preschoolers will have fun with music play and exploration. We will incorporate folk and traditional songs and rhymes, children's worship, and classical music with movement and dance to help children improve accurate rhythm, pitch, and musical expression.
Although not required, I welcome parents to stay and participate with their child. It is so rewarding to be able to share these special songs and activities with your child at home as well.
ages 4-9
Instructor: Lisa Giordano
The goal of this class is to introduce young children to group activities and how to have fun while learning. I want to make the class so fun and comfortable that they love coming to class and love learning new things.
Each year we learn about new things and review some of the favorites from the year before.
What students should expect: This class will not have a lot of sitting time. The students will have an activity, a short discussion, an educational video about “Community Helpers” and they will learn new songs and games. We also have costumes to play pretend in or act out stories.
Some of the “Community Helpers”
• Police
• Doctors
• Store Owners
• Fire Fighters
• Farmers
• Fisherman
• Soldiers
• Teachers
• Truck Drivers
• Construction Workers
• And more
If you have any costumes or games you are not using please donate them to our "Costume Bank". I collect and organize them, so please drop them off in room 6 at any time.
Students will need pencils, markers, Scotch tape, and scissors